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Learning New Vocabulary

There are many ways to learn new vocabulary words in English. However, random memorization is probably the worst and least effective way. Here are some tips to help you to improve your English vocabulary.

1.)Read English books!📚In my opinion, the best way to learn new words is to read great books. As a boy, my parents taught me a way which is very effective. Get an English book that interests you. As you read it, underline any words you don’t know, look up the meanings and write them down in a notebook. This will give the new words you are learning context within a story. It’s much more likely that you will remember their meaning and usage this way. You can also circle words you know the meaning of, but are unsure of their pronunciation.

It’s very important to organize your vocabulary notebook.📘Organize words by color using highlighters. Orange for nouns, yellow for verbs, etc. Write the root word or etymology with the new vocabulary word. Does your new word use prefixes or suffixes? Make a note about them.

Here is a website with recommended books for English learners:

2.)If you are learning new words randomly (like the ones I post every day), USE THEM! Write practice sentences in the comments under my vocabulary posts. Use them in conversation with other HelloTalk users or other English speakers in your daily life. If it seems weird or awkward to use a certain word, that’s ok! Actually, it’s great! Studies show that awkward or funny life interactions are more memorable.

3.)There are many new apps to help improve your vocabulary through games or with flash cards, etc. Make use of new technology to help you learn!😊

There are many more tricks and tips for helping you increase your vocabulary in the pictures below! Good luck!

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